The Inspifactory is our factory of inspiration and storytelling with Seppic active ingredients. This includes a series of YouTube episodes that focus on niche trends and our ingredient science. Episode 4 is all about "wild beauty".
In the wake of Clean Beauty, a new trend is plunging even further into consumers' quest for naturalness: "wild beauty."
In fact, new cosmetic brands are turning to wild-collected botanical ingredients to nourish the skin. These botanical ingredients are derived from plants that are quietly grown in their natural habitat and sustainably harvested from the wild.
This respect for the natural cycle of plant growth appeals to consumers who want to reconnect with nature.
Wild Beauty in numbers: |
In Madagascar, the primary region has Analamanga, also called the Blue Forest, a eucalyptus-covered swamp forest rich in biodiversity where the wild white butterfly ginger or Hedychium coronarium grows.
This plant, with its beautiful butterfly-shaped white flowers, is invasive and spreads by its rhizomes.
The ethnobotanists of Seppic work hand-in-hand with local partners and communities to sustainably harvest these rhizomes.
Official permission is obtained from the local authorities each year before collection. Then the rhizomes are carefully picked by hand over a short period of time to ensure their natural renewal.
Furthermore, the collection area is audited according to the Ecocert-Bio-Standard.
From the wild rhizomes, our scientists extracted SAKADKIUM™, a plant sugar concentrate. It is a multi-protective active ingredient for the skin, as it protects the skin from UV rays, IR rays, blue light and pollution. It also visibly improves the luminosity of the skin.