Seppic, a member of Action for Sustainable Derivatives (ASD), acts for positive impact in palm supply chain

  • September 28, 2020
  • 2 minutes of read time

Seppic, a member of Action for Sustainable Derivatives (ASD), acts for positive impact in palm supply chain

Acting responsibly and making progress on social, societal and environmental aspects, are at the heart of Seppic's vision. At Seppic, we are conscious of the importance of a sustainable palm oil supply and we are taking action for this.

Seppic has been a member of the Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) since 2010. In 2019, 70% of Seppic's palm derivatives supply was certified Mass Balance (MB) according to the RSPO standard, in line with the 100% MB commitment in 2025. With the RSPO certification of the new Polykon Manufacturing site in the United States in April 2020, all Seppic production sites using palm derivatives are MB certified.

Initially driven by the cosmetics and detergent markets, the sustainable palm program is now a Seppic-wide program. In 2019, Seppic joined the new Action for Sustainable Derivatives (ASD) initiative in its first year of existence. ASD acts to protect High Conservation Value areas, support the development of local populations and ensure that ethical rules are respected for workers in this sector (commitment to NDPE, No Deforestation, No Peat, No Exploitation), based on 3 components: 

  • Transparency and risk analysis,
  • Supply chain transformation,
  • And the commitment to a positive impact in the production areas.

Seppic has set up a transparency program . In 2019, with the support of ASD, Seppic was able to trace 80% of its supplies to the mills, evaluate its impacts in the field with a harmonized methodology based on the tool proposed by Global Forest Watch, and evaluate the performance of its main suppliers of palm derivatives in their contribution to a virtuous chain. 

ASD is a collaborative initiative led jointly by BSR and Transitions , open to users of palm derivatives. In its first year, ASD achieved a collective result of 81% transparency to the mills based on a harmonized and robust methodology. Read ASD's annual progress report.

At Seppic, the next few months will see the concretization of field actions, on the way to a positive impact of Seppic’s palm sourcing.

Contact at Seppic:


ASD's annual report

  • September 28, 2020
  • PDF - 3.25 MB