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EU07481 - Winter is here

SPF50 UV Extreme Protective Sunscreen

Easily applied, quick drying, you will appreciate your ride on the snow even more!

ANTILEUKINE 6™ allows to protect the skin from cold and UV agressions.

MONTANOV™ 82 and SENSANOV™ WR are a combination bringing a soft emulsion.

SEPINOV™ EMT 10 stabilizes the high percentage of oily phase (~36%) and sunfilters (26%).

SEPIMAT™ SB allows a matte powdery finish and quick drying on the skin.

SENSANOV™ WR allows an excellent water-resistant suncare formula (84%*) with a light and powdery feeling on the skin.

LANOL 37T, polar emollient, helps the UV filters solubilization.

EMOGREEN™ L15 brings glide-on, light touch, soft and powdery finish.

  • Sunfilters authorized in Europe
  • SPF 50 label (in vivo** and in vitro*** tested)
  • Extreme temperatures don’t impact the SPF (4°C and 45°C during 2 months, in vitro tested)

Enjoy an extreme UV sunscreen to protect your skin from extreme sports conditions!


* SEPPIC Method 57CO048A

** According ISO 2444:2010

*** SEPPIC Method 57CO098

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EU07481 - Extreme protective sunscreen

EU07481 - Extreme protective sunscreen

  • April 6, 2018
  • PDF - 564.54 KB