The IniM Conference will be held in Antananarivo, 15-16th June. The conference will be dedicated to raw materials and their derivatives coming from Madagascar. Several themes around biological resources, sustainable sourcing and export mechanics will be adressed.
For more information visit the website
Seppic has the ambition to continue its citizens' approach and to ensure the constructive evolution of the Centella sector. As part of the show, Seppic will be the official partner of the Collective of Centella Asiatica of Madagascar (CCAM) which brings together all local operators on Centella.
Join us in this event on
● Wednesday 15 June - 11:55 - 12:15 AM (local time)
Virginie Anchartechahar and Cyrille Doumecq, in charge of Sourcing and Genetic Resource Chains in the Seppic Research and Innovation team, will held a conference on:
“Discover a sustainable supply chain in Madagascar” |
Sustainable sourcing is key when it comes to designing natural active ingredients. The pioneering experience started in the 1960's with the creation of a supply chain in Madagascar for Centella asiatica. The challenge was to implement best practices on fair and equitable benefit sharing. The supply chain is based on 3 pillars: sustainable wild harvesting; traceability and quality; local economic and social development. We proactively implemented best practices on Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) since our inception, meeting the required commitments towards our suppliers, towards communities and towards the scientific community. As a trading member of the UEBT since 2008, Seppic - Lons site, is committed to promote the Sourcing with Respect® of ingredients that come from biodiversity. This commitment is at the heart of our conscious Research and Innovation and it meets today's customers expectations. In Madagascar, the Protocol of Nagoya has entered into force in January 2017: the challenge of today is to apply the Enforcement Decree for the concrete implementation of ABS.