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Seppic in Brazil

Since 2008

For over 75 years, Seppic has developed, manufactured, and marketed unique ingredients for cosmetic, nutraceutical, pharmaceutical, veterinary, and industrial products. Across the world, Seppic has created a vast team of women and men who love what they do in service to their customers, and to the health, well-being, and beauty of all. In Brazil, Seppic opened its offices and warehouse of São Paulo in 2008 to serve customers on the entire Brazilian territory. We serve customers with excellence and personalized services carried out by our Customer Technical Service Center in São Paulo.Our Brazilian team also serves the countries in Latin America except the Andean region, where we have an office in Colombia.


Seppic Brasil EQCI Ltda

Alameda Santos 745/ cj 72 / 7ºfloor Cerqueira Cesar

01419-001 São Paulo – SP Brasil

Tel: +55 11 3252 3911